Monthly Archives: February 2010

Adventures in Era Appropriate Underwear

I have felt for a while that I havent been able to fully live the retro life without wearing the right Era specific underwear.

So imagine my delight when I found these at one of my local op shops.
A girdle.
A good old fashioned way to squeeze it all in.
I had anticipated that it would morph me into a size 6.
It didnt even shave 2 inches off my waist.
But in the spirit of the project I gave it its first outing. To my favourite bar Mighty Mighty, where I usually feel right at home.

Tonight however was not much fun.
My friend Rachel put it well when she said it felt as if we had stumbled into orientation week for Bachelor of arts students.
Everyone was 18.
Not only that but wearing variations of 1980’s fashions, poor babies, they werent around the first time to know how tragic it all was.
But there they were, trying to be ice cool and edgy.

Its very difficult to be edgy in a girdle.
And when you are in a girdle and twice everyone else’s age you just want to go home and get out of your girdle.

I made a depressing discovery..
The 2 inches off my waist just got shifted around and popped out the top, like a chest high muffin top.

So it was time to depart.
The best thing about a girdle?
The mindblowing relief you feel when you take it off.

Here is a photo of me with a skinny waist, as there has to be some incentive for getting me back into the thing.

Art Deco Weekend

Every year Napier holds an Art Deco weekend.

In the 1920’s almost the entire city was destroyed by an earthquake.

When they rebuilt they did so in the modern style – Art deco.

Therefore it is a monument to the incredible taste they had back then.

So in Feb there is a big party to celebrate – art deco events non stop. Everyone dresses up – even the tots!
There are lovingly restored cars..

the stage is brought back to its former glory…and you can pretend for a weekend that you are a 1920’s girl hanging around your hotel lobby waiting for that dapper gentleman to leave his calling card.

At work..and other things

Crikey life gets away on you doesnt it?

School is back and me and my son are into our routine again. I havent found spare time to blog though, mainly because i have a new obbsession..sewing.

I have joined a night class on dressmaking and am very excited about it.
In fact anything that isnt nailed down gets sewn onto something. i dont know how to do much other than cut out and darts but am practising my straight lines on all kinds of things.

I thought I would share with you my Tuesdays..

Tuesday is by far my favourite day.

I pop into Dunbar Sloane – auction house before work and scope out the bargains. And there are ALWAYS bargains. I dont know why more people havent cottoned on to buying from auctions. Prices are so so low and you can still get really awesome retro and art deco things for a song. Especially 50’s stuff – the dealers arent interested in it yet.

This was last weeks pickings…
Then I sit in court with the team..
I know..motley looking bunch arent they? Can you believe these guys are the face of Youth Justice in Wellington?
Then I pop back to the auction when my lot numbers come up.
The Bakelite radio is MINE!!!

The biggest dress up party in the world..

The Wellington Sevens tournament.

Imagine 10 000 people all dressed up in outrageous outfits. Noone goes to actually watch the rugby!
It doesnt matter how conservative people usually are, on sevens weekend they let their inner creativity flow. And the beer.
My friends own some bars here in town and they roped a few of us into helping out with the enormous street party that they set up outside.
So I was a serving wench for the night.Of course, you know me, any excuse to get dressed up, so I had a ball.
I managed to take a few pics to show you some of the amazing costumes.
Seriously, every year I just cannot believe how much trouble people go to.
Check it out…Apparently these guys started the day as a whole sandwich!

My Performance Appraisal

I dont know about yours but my profession requires yearly performance appraisals.
This is always a little nerve wracking as you are never quite sure what hoops you are going to have to jump through or how your boss sees you.

Today was mine.

I couldnt help thinking if only she would assess me on my satorial skills and style ability.
Then I thought..
Ok then, I will do a self assessment.
So here it is.
My Vintage Performance Appraisal self assessment.
Achieve – JUST.. I feel that I have put in a lot of effort lately with my hair, but that I have tended to stick to a few styles and not really embraced being adventurous. I could try harder by getting up earlier or being more organised with curling the night before.

Case in point – this is me this morning walking to work, mind you I did curl my hair at home, then the rain killed it.
And this is me after sorting it out in the bathroom at work.


Achieve – I think I have made 100% progress with this, I previously wore a little eye makeup only, now I am a lipstick girl – ALL THE TIME!!


Achieve – I think I have met most Key performance indicators in this area, apart from a fail in the era appropriate undergarment section and not being very adventurous with changing era’s.
I am dressing vintage most days and have learned lots about what goes with what and which decade things belong in.
My professional development plan includes learning to sew so I can make some 40’s clothes – an era I am loving more and more.

Overall Style

Achieve – I think i have improved my style lots this last few months. I am more polished – mostly. I have had mostly favourable comments and really feel I am living up to my individuality.

So all in all, not a bad report. But like all performance reviews, you need to have something to work on so you dont sound like a total tosser!