Monthly Archives: July 2011

Exciting news..

Ok I know you all thought I had died, or been abducted by aliens or something…

That is if anyone at all still visits my blog at all!

Well, I have been a busy little bee.

And i have exciting news about a new direction my life is taking me.
I have started a business. Now this isnt just playing – like my vintage clothes business was.

I have dropped some serious time, energy and money into this baby, so it had better work out!

So… without further ado i present….
“The Vanity Case”

A company which specialises in “Vintage Glamour Parties”.

This means that you book and host a party at your place, I rock over and do a vintage hair and makeup demonstration and present the Besame cosmetic range.

Made in the United States, Bésame products are handcrafted and all natural. They feature a unique 1940s inspired collection of metal compacts and lipsticks based on an interpretation of designs from the ’30s and ’40s. The collection includes, lipstick, powder, mascara and pencils. The petite, gold plated items replicate authentic pieces of the period.

I am also importing the lovely Lauren Rennells “vintage Hairstyling and Retro makeup” books, and a variety of products designed to make acheiving the vintage look possible.

EEEKK!! This is very exciting, and more than a little nerve racking. My aim is to start the business, see how it pans out for a year and if there is the chance of making enough money to survive – maybe cut down my full time job hours.

We will see.
Anyhow – check out my website, comments, suggestions etc are muchly appreciated!