Monthly Archives: November 2012

My new babies..all grown up

I have not been on here for a little while.

Because my life has been engulfed by the conception, development and birth of these babies..

Seriously it is just like having children.

Firstly you have the bright idea – it all seems so simple, so straightforward.

You gather together all that you need. Start off all optimistic.

Then it hits you.. This is going to be a LOT more work thanĀ I thought, things go a little wrong, you work through those things, more things happen.

Then one day.. there they are, all grown up.

You have to let them out into the world. But what if someone doesnt like them? what if they fail? What if they bring shame to your name?

But you have to let them go anyway.

But it’s all worth it, you know you have done the best you can.

So enough of the analogy’s (can you tell I have a teenager soon to leave home??)

Check out my babies at

They are good old fashioned skincare products – Cold Cream and Vanishing Cream, but 100% natural and made in little old New Zealand, to a recipe from the 1930’s.