Rain Rain Go Away..I just set my hair today


Wellington had a storm last week, it was wild, and the tail end of it meant torrential downpours and high winds.

Now I know some people had roofs missing, and banks of dirt falling on their car, but I had problems too.

I had to run around in the rain with my newly set hair. I am a straight haired girl, so just a hint of damp and my curls give up the ghost.

I was woefully unprepared as usual, all my lovely warm winter coats are hoodless, and I can never find an umbrella when I need one, my solution was a plastic bag over my head.

With my mothers words about dying of suffocation I fashioned a crude rain bonnet out of a plastic bag and ran the gauntlet of the points and stares.

That is vintage dedication for you.

So I thought I would contemplate a vintage girls options for dry hair and outfits..

First the good old raincoat..
All well and good if you dont care about style, I was thinking more along the lines of..

Matching gloves, umbrella and hat, so stylish.

However it doesnt solve the hair issue so well, especially seeing as an umbrella in Wellington is not the best of ideas, unless you have flying lessons.

So I think this is the best solution..
Good old fashioned rain bonnets – just like my nana used to keep in her pocket.

There is a fantastic company in the UK – http://www.bubblebetty.com that seem to be single handedly bringing back the rain bonnet.
I think I may invest in this pretty little number.

What is your secret to keeping your set dry?

About Starlet O Hara

Once upon a time there was a girl called Starlet.. She hankered for a bygone era when men opened car doors for a gal, telephones were attached to the wall and women knew the power of red lipstick. So Starlet decided to live in the past. She learnt how to curl her hair, make her own clothes and make glamour her business. These are her adventures.

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