Makeup splurge…

I was doing so well.
No Auctions for ages. Then i stumbled upon these little beauties.
I am figuring I can claim them as a business expense, i will use them in my presentation of vintage makeup. i love the 1950’s mascara – in a little tube with a brush.
I also love the makeup/cigarette case – it fits my Besame lipstick perfectly!

And look at my fancy business card holder… much nicer than cigarettes.

About Starlet O Hara

Once upon a time there was a girl called Starlet.. She hankered for a bygone era when men opened car doors for a gal, telephones were attached to the wall and women knew the power of red lipstick. So Starlet decided to live in the past. She learnt how to curl her hair, make her own clothes and make glamour her business. These are her adventures.

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